Sunday - Closed
Monday - By Appointment Only
Tuesday - 10 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday - 10 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday - 10 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday - 10 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Hours subject to change by service provider. Confirm by appointment.
Tired of your lashes not looking their best? Try our lash lifts to enhance your natural lashes. Interested in a more dramatic look? Get lash extensions at Beauté Suite -- we guarantee you will love the results!
CLASSIC SET: One individual synthetic lash is placed on each one of your natural lashes creating a natural or dramatic look. Results achieved according to your natural lashes. Lashes last up to 2-3 weeks depending on your natural growth and fall out cycles.
Classic Full Set.....................................
1 Week Lash Fill...............................
2 Week Lash Fill...............................
3 Week Lash Fill...............................
HYBRID SET: A mixture of classic and volume lashes. Handmade volume fans are placed throughout your lashes to create a fuller look more then classic extensions.
Hybrid Full Set.....................................
Hybrid 1 Week Lash Fill...................
Hybrid 2 Week Lash Fill...................
Hybrid 3 Week Lash Fill...................
LASH REMOVAL: Eyelash extensions are safely removed with a professional get remover.
Lash Removal........................................

LASH LIFTING: Using your own lashes to give you a natural looking lift. A great alternative to eyelash extensions or for clients that have sensitives. The eyelash tint is developed for eyelashes to give a look similar to mascara. Lash Lift and Tint lasts 6-8 weeks.
Lash Lift..............................................
Lash Tint & Lift...................................